Key Information
Safeguarding Children
Surrey Teaching Centre is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All staff have a duty to safeguard our pupils from abuse, to protect them from bullying and to ensure their safety within the school environment.
This means that we have a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and procedures in place which are available on this website. All management committee members and staff (including supply staff and volunteers) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. Parents and carers are encouraged to read the Policy.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:
Kristin Hoogland - Headteacher (Lead DSL)
Jackie Winter - Assistant Headteacher (Deputy DSL)
Clare Ford - Senior teacher (Deputy DSL)
Jackie Winter - Designated Teacher for Children Looked After
Catherine Johnson - Management Committee Safeguarding Lead
Our school
We are a medium sized medical pupil referral unit situated in Tadworth in specialist accommodation in the grounds of The Children's Trust, a leading independent residential charitable trust specialising in rehabilitation programmes for children with an acquired brain injury.
All our pupils and young people have educational needs arising from their injury and many will need to be assessed for an Education, Health and Social Care Plan while they are resident at The Children's Trust.
Some children and young people return to their mainstream school and others may transfer to a different or more specialised setting. We work with the pupils' next placements by providing staff training and ongoing individualised curriculum support.
Our age range starts with 2 year olds and goes up to 18 years. Pupils are taught both individually and in small groups and we work closely with the team of therapy, psychology, nursing and medical staff in order to provide a multi disciplinary approach with the child at the centre. Pupils attend sessions in The New Cheyne Centre, starting at 9.30am and finishing at 4.00pm each day, totalling 32.5hrs per week.
We want all pupils attending Surrey Teaching Centre to feel part of our school community and on arrival they will be allocated a specific class and teacher. We do not expect our pupils to wear a school uniform as a large majority of the day may be spent in physical, therapy or psychology sessions alongside their two school sessions. We ask pupils to wear clothing that will allow them to access both school and therapy sessions appropriately.
Please find below important documents and information about our school.
Ofsted- Final Inspection report December 2023- Outstanding
Careers Guidance Statement
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
SEN information report- Surrey Teaching Centre
School Development Plan 2023-24
Ofsted Outstanding Report November 2021
OFSTED Outstanding report 2016
SMSC at Surrey Teaching Centre
Filtering and Monitoring at Surrey Teaching Centre
Premiums and Grants 2021-2024
Tribal Quality Mark in English & Mathematics
Inclusion Quality Mark Review as a Centre of Excellence
Financial Information
Please note that we do not have any employees with a gross annual salary of more than £100,000. Please click here to view our school's financial data:
Charging and Remissions Statement:
Schools may only charge for activities which are specified in DFE guidance (principally activities taking place wholly or mainly outside school hours, such as offsite visits, and which are not related to the curriculum.) For all children and young people on a rehabilitation placement with The Children's Trust these activities and trips are planned and delivered by The Children's Trust team.
Surrey Teaching Centre does not anticipate providing any of those activities within the next academic year and therefore no charges will be necessary. The school will review the position before the start of the new academic year.